I Wasn’t Sure I Could Profit From This New Launch, Until I…

Discover How We’ve Helped Down-To-Earth Homeowners In Singapore Effortlessly Buy And Sell 253+ Winning Properties (Via Our ‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics), Which Have Generated $50Millions+ In Profits for them – Since 2008

“Will I EARN BIG or lose BIG from buying this new launch? I’m not sure…”

If you’re considering a New Launch Condo or EC, then you probably already know that you can indeed earn a few hundred thousands from cashing out after TOP.


Well, the

  • Constant rise in Land bid prices
  • Land scarcity in Singapore
  • Increasing population
  • Ever-rising inflation
  • Competing foreign investments
  • Government Masterplan Development
  • Increase Building material and manpower costs

All contributed to the price increase.

It’s really nothing new in Singapore.

Now, if new launches and EC are so (obviously) lucrative, what then is stopping most Singaporeans/PRs from buying it?

“They are not sure if they can really differentiate a winning private property from a losing one … and of course, when to sell it …”

As a result, many are crippled by fear, only to regret missing out years later. 

Or worse, lose their hard-earned money because they overpaid & are locked into a depreciating asset.

It also doesn’t help that most advisers are only knowledgeable in one or two projects, thus hard-selling to only buy their new condo project. 

Furthermore, inexperienced part-timers may not be fully dependable for investment advice…

That’s why our Specialist Team do not solely represent any one new launch project. 

Instead, we work with new & existing homeowners just like you to provide: 

  • Unbiased shortlisting, without conflict of interest
  • Zero hassle
  • Buy/Sell Winning Properties based on your lifestyle and budget – via our ‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics.

The final result?

Our clients have already bought and sold 253+ winning properties, which have generated $50Millions+ in profits – since 2008

Introducing Property65’s 

‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics & Free Customised E-Valuation

A Quick Glance At Our Track Record

What Is So Special

About Your ‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics & Free Customised E-Valuation?

Identify  5 Winning New Launches In 1 Hour , Backed With Non-Biased, Accurate Data

It can be overwhelming to shortlist 5 – 10 properties out of the thousands. I mean, how do you know if these new launches really fit your lifestyle and are truly profitable as advertised?

The worse part is, sometimes those quoted prices online are actually false!

At Property65, you don’t have to ‘hope’ that you’ll earn or be in doubt. Instead, you can lock-in your profits by leveraging our LIVE database on ALL new launches in SG, Propriety Data -Backed Winning Selection Algorithm, and 15+ years of experience – right on the spot in 1 hour.

In fact, we’ve accumulated 253+ winning picks, and generated $50Millions+ profits for our clients using the above method. And yes, we’re independent and not bound to any new developer’s commission.

Receive  Spot-On Profit Projection & Know When To Cash Out At Max. Profit

How would you like to know your future profits, even before buying the new launch?

Also, are you aware that  there’s only a small window  to sell it at maximum price later on?

By factoring in the cost per sqft, location, government masterplan, prices of nearby properties in the area, inflation, property taxes, CPF, bank loan, affordability and more, we’re able to provide absolute clarity on your property investment decision and WHEN to sell at Maximum Profit via our exclusive ‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics.

Even better? We pre-plan your potential rental yield to pay off your mortgage, the future selling of your new launch, and future buying of your second property as well to further expand your profits.

Hand Holding From Start To Finish
(Even After-Sales)

Buying new launch can involve a lot of paperwork, personal financial planning, and in-person surveying – plus, all have to be done in a short period of time due to high demand.

It’s hard to put it in another way. But the last thing you need is a part-time or inexperienced agent to delay and complicate the process.

On the other hand, at Property65, we have a VIP Concierge Service to chauffeur you for free and can conduct up to 5 viewings in 1 weekend, while directly linking you up with banks, law firms, governmental agencies and renovation companies (aka zero hassle).

Win-Win Model Where You Don’t Pay A Single Cent

All free, can earn money, AND with lifetime after-sales support? Isn’t it too good to be true?

Well, we at Property65 get our commission from the new launch developers from 6 to 12 months, after you make your purchase.

 Moreover, we're incentivised to earn again with you on your second cycle (in the near future).

Hence, rest assured that our interests are always aligned with yours, it’s all free, and that we will not ‘disappear’ with our 15+ years of services till date.

Over 500+ Homeowners In Singapore 

Already Benefitted From Our ‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics 

& Free Customised E-Valuation

A Quick Peek 

Into Your ‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics & Free Customised E-Valuation

Ok, I Don’t Want To Miss Out…

But What If I Cannot Sell My House At A Good Price Within 6 Months?

Not to worry. We’re proven in resales as well.

Based on our 15+ years of track record, we are able to upsell any house (more than their neighbour's last transacted price) within 2 days to 2 months from the first viewing.

Furthermore, our success rate of selling is currently at 100% as we have never given up on a sale before.


And no, we don't force you to sell upon the first incoming offer.

In general though, it will take a longer time to sell if your asking price is higher (but still not more than 2 months).

Why Not Buy Other Properties Like BTO Or Resale?

There’s nothing wrong in buying other type of property for profits.

However, do note that for BTO, it takes around 12 years before you can sell or upgrade. Reason being, construction now takes up to 7 years with the COVID delays, followed by a 5 Years MOP.

Compared to only 3 years for New Launch Condo to cash out, you would have missed out on >2 cycles of capital gains.

And for most Resale Properties, they suffer from lease decay and lack of entry price protection.

Plus, it's not advisable to buy an old resale property as your future buyers' pool will face loan & CPF restrictions.

Last but not least, New Launch Condo simply allow you to save on the cost of renovation.

Otherwise, just like any other type of property, the key here is to identify a winning property that suits your lifestyle – without over-exerting your present finance.

Don’t Take Our Word For It,

Hear From More Property65's Clients

Our Certification, Awards & Credentials





About Us

Property65 is a Accredited Specialist Team that specializes exclusively in the sale of New Launch Condominiums in Singapore.

With  15+ years of experience  in this niche market, Property65 have transacted over $235millions+, generating  S$50Millions++ of wealth creation  for more than 253+ buyers to-date.

We have Stellar Performance records in the property market for more than a decade.
It's our dedication to produce on-going WINNING GAINS for our trusted clients.

The Property65 Team is a  Trusted Market Leader  in this highly specialized field of New Launch Condominium sales.


Are there any agent or service fees involved?

No fees involved. We at Property65 get our commission from the new launch developers only 6 to 12 month after you make your purchase.

Why not buy other properties like BTO Or Re-Sales?

There’s nothing wrong in buying other type of property for profits.

However, do note that for BTO, it takes around 12 years before you can sell or upgrade. Reason being, construction now takes up to 7 years with the COVID delays, followed by a 5 Years MOP.

Compared to only 3 years for new launch, you would have missed out on >2 cycles of capital gains.

And for most resale properties, they suffer from lease decay and lack of price protection/discount. It's not advisable to buy a really old resale property as your future buyers will face loan & CPF restrictions as well.

Last but not least, private properties simply allow you to save on the cost of renovation.

Otherwise, just like any other type of property, the key here is to identify a winning property that suits your lifestyle – without over-exerting your present finance.

But what if I cannot sell my current house at a good price within 6 months?

Not to worry. We’re proven in re-sales as well.

Based on our 15+ years of track record, we are able to sell any house within 2 days to 2 months from the first viewing.

Furthermore, our success rate of selling is currently at 100% as we have never given up on a sale before.

In general though, it will take a longer time to sell if your asking price is higher (but still not more than 2 months).

Can I really earn from new launch?

If you're looking to confidently earn from new launch, Property65 and its track record is probably as close as it gets to a guarantee. 

We've effortlessly buy and sell 253+ winning properties via our ‘Property Life Cycle’ Analytics, which have generated $50Millions++ in profits thus far – since 2008

How fast and smooth are you in arranging the viewings?

We arrange up to 5 new launch viewings per day, chauffeur you around for free, and help settle all of your paperwork. This is to ensure that you secure your unit at the earliest, before any price increase.

Will you be biased towards certain new launches?

We only recommend new launches that match your preference & budget. 

This is possible as we’re independent and not bound to any new developer’s commission.

Will you hard-sell?

No, we strictly do not hard-sell as our business model is based on recurring property transactions with you. 

Long-term relationship is of paramount importance to us. 

If for whatever reason you feel that our service is not a good fit, please feel free to walk away. We do not charge a single cent as well. 

Are all your new launch prices accurate?

Yes, our database system is constantly updated with the latest prices, be it cheaper or more expensive. 

No Longer ‘Hope’ …

But ‘Know’ That You Can Profit From New Launch Investment

As you can see, our team at Property65 have the proven track record, credentials, accurate database, and experience to secure a winning private property for you.

We are also independent of any developer, have no conflict of interest, do not force sell, and have a long-term view of our partnership with you.

Plus, as an Accredited Specialist Team, we have access to all new launches along with the lowest direct developer prices.

But maybe you’re not fully convinced yet.

That’s ok!

Simply claim your customised e-valuation below and see what we can do for you with your very own eyes
(in just under 1 hour):

  • Gain access to our Exclusive Valuation Analytics and learn ALL the factors we use to differentiate between a winning and losing property
  • Shortlist 5 Winning New Launches out of the hundreds of projects in just 1 hour
  • Discover the Latest Trend and movements in today’s new launch condo market
  • Get a Customised, Research Report of any new launch or EC with detailed breakdown like potential gains, government Masterplan Development, schools, amenities, transportation, hawkers, supermarket, psf, floor plan and more.
  • Receive Personalised Recommendations & Advice based on your current challenges, problems, and queries